Childcare centres, day care centres and home childcare

The information of the childcare establishment under construction may be incomplete. This data is more precise as their status evolves.

You can do a truncated search, which means, you write just part of the name you are looking for. for, e.g., “loup” for “loupiots” or “petits loups.”
for, e.g., “loup” for “loupiots” or “petits loups.”

Specify the type of childcare place you are looking for:

  • You can now search specifically for those childcare establishments offering places at the reduced contribution.
  • If you are looking for childcare in the facility of a childcare centre or in a day care centre, you can now narrow your search to childcare establishments that receive children under the age of 18 months (infants).
 Simple Search
You can do a truncated search, which means, you write just part of the name you are looking for. for, e.g., “loup” for “loupiots” or “petits loups.”
for, e.g., “loup” for “loupiots” or “petits loups.”
  Type of establishment preferred